What is MS Removal Tool ? Skip to main content

What is MS Removal Tool ?

MS Removal Tool is a fake antivirus that impersonates name of legitimate anti-malware tool. The real program is distributed by Microsoft and included in modern Windows OS by default. This is not the first version of malware that uses this name: couple month ago there was another, non related, rogue using Microsoft Malicious software removal tool name. This rogue is far by new, its predecessor System Tool still wrecks havoc on PCs worldwide.

MS Removal Tool infects user PCs through various exploits and trojans. You might get infected when visiting websites displaying infected advertisements or when you download some kind of “free” download from the torrents or web. It is critical to scan all executables downloaded with legitimate antivirus software, or in worst case upload to websites as virustotal.com for double-checking. In other cases your PC will get MS Removal Tool rogue or similar parasite in no time.

After the PC is fully infected, MS Removal Tool will start its advertising campaign to convince you into giving away your credit card details. This malware will replace background with huge warning about infections, and will stop your PC from executing all programs. The malware will display lots of warnings about infections and demand that you launch MS Removal Tool scan and then purchase its full version. This is a trick: There is no full version of this program, and all the files it detect are harmless. However, it is impossible to use PC till MS Removal Tool is removed from PC.

In some cases MS Removal Tool displays various warnings and alerts like these:

MS Removal Tool Warning
Your PC is infected with dangerous viruses. Activate antivirus protection to prevent data loss and avoid the theft of your credit card details.
Click here to activate protection.

MS Removal Tool Warning

Intercepting programs that may compromise your private and harm your system have been detected on your PC.
Click here to remove them immediately with MS Removal Tool.

Security Monitor: WARNING!
Attention: System detected a potential hazard (TrojanSPM/LX) on your computer that may infect executable files. Your private information and PC safety is at risk. To get rid of unwanted spyware and keep your computer safe you need to update your current security software.
CLick Yes to download official intrusion detection system (IDS software).

Warning: Your computer is infected
Windows has detected spyware infection!
Click this message to install the last update of Windows security software…

It also changes the background of Windows desktop and then reports:

Your’re in Danger!
Your Computer is infected with Spyware!

All you do with your computer is stored forever in your hard disk. When you visit sites, send emails… All your actions are logged. And it is impossible to remove them with standard tools. Your data is still available for forensics, and in some cases

For your boss, your friends, your wife, your children. Every site you or somebody or even something, like spyware, opened in your browsers, with all the images, and all the downloaded and maybe later removed movies or mp3 songs – ARE STILL THERE and could break your life!

Secure yourself right now!
Removal all spyware from your PC!

Note: Some users make a mistake and pay for MS Removal Tool or similar rogue. In such case you should contact your bank and dispute the charges. Additionally, it is highly advisable to change your credit card numbers, as you might be charged several times later on.
To remove MS Removal Tool, I recommend following procedure:
1. Reboot into safe mode with networking
2. Disable proxy server in your browser.
3. Start task manager and stop processes that look like garbage: random letter and number combo.
4. Download and scan your PC with Spyware Doctor, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to identify the infected files. Do full system scan or search for stopped processes on the disk.
5. Delete these files.
6. Restore the windows shell to explorer.exe if you haven’t used automatical removal procedure.
In addition, you can try these keys of System Tool infection That still might work with MS Removal Tool as parasites are closely related:
Full version of Eset Smart Security and most other decent antiviruses, or Spyware Doctor, mbam would have protected from these infections.

MS Removal Tool is Extremely dangerous

arrow MS Removal Tool is a corrupt Anti-Spyware program
arrow MS Removal Tool may spread via Trojans
arrow MS Removal Tool may display fake security messages
arrow MS Removal Tool may install additional spyware to your computer
arrow MS Removal Tool may repair its files, spread or update by itself
arrow MS Removal Tool violates your privacy and compromises your security
for MS Removal Tool
Note: Spyware doctor trial provides detection of parasite like MS Removal Tool detection and limited protection for free. You can remove detected files, processes and registry entries yourself or purchase a full version. Learn why we have choosen spyware doctor.

MS Removal Tool screenshots


Manual MS Removal Tool removal

Important Note: Although it is possible to manually remove MS Removal Tool , such activity can permanently damage your system if any mistakes are made in the process, as advanced spyware parasites are able to automatically repair themselves if not completely removed. Thus, manual spyware removal is recommended for experienced users only, such as IT specialists or highly qualified system administrators. For other users, we recommend using Spyware Doctor or other malware and spyware removal applications found on 2-viruses.com. Stop these MS Removal Tool processes:
Remove these MS Removal Tool Registry Entries:
Remove these MS Removal Tool files:
It is impossible to list all file names and locations of modern parasites. You can identify remaining parasites, other MS Removal Tool infected files and get help in MS Removal Tool removal by using free Spyware Doctor scanner. It comes with free real-time protection module that helps preventing MS Removal Tool and similar threats.

MS Removal Tool is classified as Rogue Anti-Spyware. After infecting a user’s system, it proceeds to scare its victim into buying the “product” by displaying fake security messages, stating that your computer is infected with spyware and only MS Removal Tool can help you to remove it after you download the trial version. As soon as the victim downloads MS Removal Tool trial version, it pretends to scan your computer and shows a grossly exaggerated amount of non-existent errors. Then, MS Removal Tool offers to buy the full version to fix these false errors. If the user agrees, MS Removal Tool does not only fix the errors, but it also takes the user’s money and may even install additional spyware into the victim’s computer.

Some Rogue Anti-Spyware, such as MS Removal Tool , may offer users to buy it after the victim clicks on a banner or a pop-up while surfing the internet. Usually, a Trojan is installed to a victim’s computer after clicking on the advertisement. It then proceeds to download or even install MS Removal Tool , which is another way for Rogue Anti-Spyware to spread itself.

Most of rogue Anti-Spyware, such as MS Removal Tool , is nearly impossible to remove manually.

How to tell if your PC has been infected by a Rogue Anti-Spyware such as MS Removal Tool ?

Numerous undesirable and annoying pop-ups: A typical Rogue Anti-Spyware parasite keeps track of your internet browsing habits, sending your browsing history data to remote servers, owned by third party companies that use this information to advertise their products via numerous pop-ups, toolbars, hijacked homepages and spam letters. All these undesirable advertising methods are used on the victims of Rogue Anti-Spyware.
Changed or new icons: Sometimes, Rogue Anti-Spyware installs unwanted software to a victim’s PC without user’s knowledge and consent. This may lead to slower PC performance and stability, as well as more unwanted programs you can't remove.


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