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Top 5 Free Linux Games – Download Now

Why should you pay hundred of dollars for expensive PC games when you can have all the fun with these free Linux games? These free Linux games are open source and you can easily and legally download from the sites mentioned below. Some of these games also have their windows ports available too so you can play them on your Windows PC as well.

RACER:The Real Deal

Racer is a free car simulation game, It is using real car physics to get a realistic feeling. Cars, tracks, scenes and such can be created with relative simplicity in mind (compared to other driving simulations). The 3D and other file formats are, or should be, documented. Editors and support programs are also available to get a very flexible and expandable simulator. It uses OpenGL for rendering.
It attempts to do well at the physics section, trying to create life-like cars to emphasize car control and doesn’t cut back on realism in the interest of fun. If you’ve played Grand Prix Legends from Papyrus, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

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Cube 2: Sauerbraten

Free & Open Source… single and multi player 1st person shooter game with some satisfying fast old school game play. A large variety of game play modes from classic SP to fast one on one Multi player and objective based team play.

The engine, though designed for simplicity and elegance as opposed to feature & eye candy checklists, still competes nicely.

Game Features

  • Game Play is  very similar to Doom 2 / Quake 1
  • Many multi  player game play modes, most in team play variants as well: death match, efficiency, tactics, capture (domination/battlefield style), CTF (capture the flag) etc.
  • Master server & in game server browser.
  • Lag-free game play experience.
  • Two single player modes: DMSP (fight a monster invasion on any DM map), classic SP (progression driven SP like other games)
  • 7 weapons tuned for maximum satisfaction: double barrel shotgun, rocket launcher, machine gun, rifle, grenade launcher, pistol, fist.

Weapons and Goodies


0fist500.25 sec200quake3 gauntlet
1shotgun20 x 101.4 sec143doom2 SSG (wide angle, but less than in doom2)
2chaingun300.1 sec300quake LG (mild spread at distance)
3rocket launcher1200.8 sec150quake RL (splash damage)
4rifle1001.5 sec66quake 2 RG
5grenade launcher750.5 sec100any quake GL, except faster but less damaging
6pistol250.550quake SG, but more precise
The player has available all weapons when he spawns, but no ammo for them (except 5 shells), 100 health, and 50 weak Armour (20% absorption).
Items that can be picked up:
  • 6 types of ammo (10 shells, 5 rockets, 20 bullets, 5 rifle rounds, 10 grenades, 30 pistol ammo) (to a max of 30/15/60/15/30/120, re-spawn 12/9/6 seconds)
  • health (adds 25 to a max of MAXHEALTH (initially 100), respawn 20/15/10 seconds)
  • health boost (adds 10 to your MAXHEALTH until the end of the current map, respawn 60 seconds)
  • light Armour (100, absorbs 40% of damage, respawn 20 seconds)
  • heavy armour (200, absorbs 60% of damage, respawn 20 seconds)
  • quad powerup (4 x damage for 20 seconds, respawn 60 seconds)
Health and ammo respawn depends on number of players in the game, the numbers given are for 1-2, 3-4, and 5+ player games respectively.

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America’s Army is one of the ten most popular PC action games played online. It provides players with the most authentic military experience available, from exploring the development of Soldiers in individual and collective training to their deployment in simulated missions in the War on Terror.

In America’s Army: Special Forces, the follow-up to America’s Army: Operations which was released on July 4, 2002, players attempt to earn Green Beret status by completing individual and collective training missions drawn from the Special Forces Assignment and Selection (SFAS) process.
Players who complete the SFAS process have the opportunity to take on elite Special Forces roles and are qualified to play in multiplayer missions with units ranging from the elite 82d Airborne Division to the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Includes the complete game America’s Army: Operations.

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Flight Gear (Open Source Flight Simulator)

FlightGear is an open-source project. This means as long as you abide by the terms of the GPL license you may freely download and copy FlightGear. Anyway can have easy and open access to the latest development source code. Being an open-source project, we have made our file formats open and easily accessible. We support standard 3D model formats and much of the simulator configuration is controlled through XML based ASCII files. Writing 3rd party extensions for FlightGear (or even directly modifying the FlightGear source code) is straightforward and doesn’t require a large amount of reverse engineering. This makes FlightGear an attractive option for use in private, commercial, research, or hobby projects.
FlightGear is known to run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS-X, FreeBSD, Solaris, and IRIX platforms allowing the user run on their platform of preference.

Extensive and Accurate World Scenery Data Base

  • Over 20,000 real world airports included in the full scenery set.
  • Correct runway markings and placement, correct runway and approach lighting.
  • Taxiways available for many larger airports (even including the green center line lights when appropriate.)
  • Sloping runways (runways change elevation like they usually do in real life.)
  • Directional airport lighting that smoothly changes intensity as your relative view direction changes.
  • World scenery fits on 3 DVD’s. (I’m not sure that’s a feature or a problem!) But it means we have pretty detailed coverage of the entire world.
  • Accurate terrain worldwide, based on the most recently released SRTM terrain data.) 3 arc second resolution (about 90m post spacing) for North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.
  • Scenery includes all vmap0 lakes, rivers, roads, railroads, cities, towns, land cover, etc.
  • Nice scenery night lighting with ground lighting concentrated in urban areas (based on real maps) and headlights visible on major highways. This allows for realistic night VFR flying with the ability to spot towns and cities and follow roads.
  • Scenery tiles are paged (loaded/unloaded) in a separate thread to minimize the frame rate hit when you need to load new areas.

FlightGear implements extremely accurate time of day modeling with correctly placed sun, moon, stars, and planets for the specified time and date. FlightGear can track the current computer clock time in order to correctly place the sun, moon, stars, etc. in their current and proper place relative to the earth. If it’s dawn in Sydney right now, it’s dawn in the SIM right now when you locate yourself in virtual Sydney. The sun, moon, stars, and planets all follow their correct courses through the sky. This modeling also correctly takes into account seasonal effects so you have 24 hour days north of the arctic circle in the summer, etc. We also illuminate the correctly placed moon with the correctly placed sun to get the correct phase of the moon for the current time/date, just like in real life.

The intention of FlightGear is to look nice, but not at the expense of other aspects of a realistic simulator. Our focus is not on competing in the “game” market and not on the ultra-flashy graphic tricks.
The result is a simulator with moderate hardware requirements to run at smooth frame rates. You can be reasonably happy on a $500-1000 (USD) machine (possibly even less if you are careful) and don’t necessarily need $3000 (USD) worth of new hardware like you do with the many of the newest games.
That said, the more hardware you throw at FlightGear, the better it looks and runs, so don’t feel like you have to chuck your expensive new hardware if you just purchased it. :-)

A number of networking options allow FlightGear to communicate with other instances of FlightGear, GPS receivers, external flight dynamics modules, external autopilot or control modules, as well as other software such as the Open Glass Cockpit project and the Atlas mapping utility.
A generic input/output option allows for a user defined output protocol to a file, serial port or network client.
A multi player protocol is available for using FlightGear on a local network in a multi aircraft environment, for example to practice formation flight or for tower simulation purposes.
The powerful network options make it possible to synchronize several instances of FlightGear allowing for a multi-display, or even a cave environment. If all instances are running at the same frame rate consistently, it is possible to get extremely good and tight synchronization between displays

More Information on FlightGear

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OpenTTD: Business Simulator

OpenTTD is an open source clone of the Microprose game “Transport Tycoon Deluxe”, a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features.

OpenTTD is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
OpenTTD is modeled after the original Transport Tycoon game by Chris Sawyer and enhances the game experience dramatically. Many features were inspired by TTDPatch while others are original.

More Information on OpenTTD

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