Top 20 Concept Laptop/Notebook Designs Skip to main content

Top 20 Concept Laptop/Notebook Designs

There is a very rapid change in the technological trends. If you cannot change with technology then you will get outdated by the new technology. So, it is needed that we should keep an eye on the past and future trends of technology.
At the Initial level an idea gives a concept which in turn is build with a shape and then in the coming days, months or year we see such products that have their grounds on that concept. Below we have given such concept laptops which might become a trend of our future.

Fujitsu’s Turn Table PC

Having this the DJs can scratch and spin digital media files on the Turn Table PC. It is a prototype of a combo system presented by Fujitsu. It has the ability to serve as a notebook or as a digital concept notebook

The design gives the concept of a 20-inch LCD screen that can be easily folded closed in order to use the turntable function. The turntable is controlled by users by a touch screen which is present on the outside of the notebook’s lid. Also in the future tech department, the Ultra Mobile has been showed by Fujistu. It is a handheld computer having a touch screen that also includes a built-in digital camera, a digital music player, and support for wireless Internet access. It is of the same size as a CD jewel case, a novel method will be used by the Ultra Mobile to turn the system on and off: users are able to rotate the front half of the machine including the screen to 45 degrees. This will change the computer’s shape from a square to a star.

Cario – Notebook On The Go by Anna Lopez

For the mobile worker it is a slim line, lightweight concept Notebook. This notebook provides the user possibility that it can be used without a notebook bag.  cario_concept_notebook
It is adjusted such that it can be used in car whilst stationary enabling a work space for the business person. Inside the car the notebook is designed in such a pattern that it fits the interior, once when it is connected into the cars system, then using the notebook the user can easily access to personalize the vehicles environment and settings according to their preferences. cario_concept_notebook
For a safe driving, the Notebook would only work in the car while driving as a HUD (head up display) with the projector. And while stationary it turns into workmode and it gets adjusted on the driver’s steering wheel.

Intel’s Metro Notebook

The “metro notebook” is for ladies. It is an ultra-thin, ultra-light laptop. It is designed such that it can be carried over the shoulder, the sub-0.7in thick.

It is a 1kg device that sports an always-on secondary display for providing fast info updates. Core 2 Duo, is a color non-volatile e-ink display. It has entirely wireless communications having reconfigurable antennae and has the ability to switch between the Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and WiMAX links the laptop’s envisaged to maintain.

Fujitsu Folding Laptop

Fujitsu reckon they’ve got the ultimate UMPC licked, presenting this swish design for a laptop which would literally folds in half and so it easily fit your pocket. fujitsu_folding_laptop_concept
It has got some extra keys inside for the purpose of gaming. The half-pint lappy also features a finger print reader, so with this feature all your data’s secure should it slip down the back of a stranger’s sofa.

Compenion Laptop Concept

Felix Schmidberger design for a laptop which is expected to be presented in markets in 2015 .It comes with OLED touch screen. companion_concept_laptop
It comprises of two sliding OLED screens, one of these two can be used as a keyboard, where necessary. Our opinion about this is that as this is the nicest looking concept that we have seen, we expect that innovation will outstrip this vision significantly by then.

Frog Concept Design

The Gelfrog has brought together both style and function. The final product is rugged. It is yet flexible enough that it can be easily used in the classroom, in the urban jungle, or on the nature trail. It is encased in a smart skin. frog_concept_laptop_design
The image content is displayed by gelfrog from a mobile mirror, photo slide show, video projector and just everything in between. Immersive and interactive learning has been enabled by wireless technology. Offering the video capture capabilities and just-in-time data library access, the gelfrog has become both a journal of student experiences and a window to new worlds.

Canvas Laptop Concept Designed by Kyle Cherry

It is a futuristic concept laptop. It is supposed that it will provide a better quality for the designer and also it is thought that it will raise the productive rate of the artist. canvas_laptop_concept_design
It features a very thin touch screen and the other components seem just about the same but they would be adjusted in a better way.

OLPC Hinged Laptop

The OLPC engineers and partners had mostly shown there interest in the designs that are more identical to a traditional laptop. OLPC_concept_laptop
Yet the machine also had to double and looks like an e-book and it will be easily portable. OLPC_concept_laptop
So using the physical models as the designers continued to develop the concept, it has been evaluated by them that what will be the performance of each possible architecture in each mode and how would it transform between them.OLPC_concept_laptop

Des Com

DesCom is available as part MERE ROTEBURU to display. A strong feeling has been placed in the room and suddenly the PC has been showed in a natural blend with the interior.gyokai_concept_design_laptop In addition to standard keyboard layout it has keyboard for touch screen technology. It also has a slot on the edge OPUTIKARUDORAIBU. Display, the 22-inch LCD and T series.

Thinkpad reserve edition

For the Thinkpad reserve edition, Lenovo have a dedicated website. Many feared that the design of classic Thinkpad would lose its way as soon as IBM handed all of their laptop division to Lenovo.thinkpad_reverse_concept_design
It is a really very interesting machine, while the reserve edition smacks of the type of design common to limited editions.

Traveler Laptop by Nikita Golovlev

This is not a laptop purse, but it can be called as a laptop purse the reason is that it shows a foldable screen.  travelers_concept_notebook This is something about which we are surprised that hasn’t been played around with more in concept designs. This concept has been designed by Nikita Golovlev.

Canova Dual Screen Laptop

When we take a look at the Canova dual screen laptop it seems as if two chunky light boxes hinged together. laptop_dual_screen_concept But this is such an idea that is repeated in many concept designs these days, and perhaps no one can guess that Apple are working on something like this. This trend setter would surely blow away the Optimums Maximums keyboard.

HP Concept Laptop

In October 2006, several of HP’s recent concept designs have been showed by HP’s CTO of the HP Personal Systems Group, Phil McKinney. hp_concept_notebook_design If this laptop prototype is anything to go by then there are much nicer designs that HP have on the way.hp_concept_notebook_design

Samsung Amoled Concept

This concept notebook presented by Samsung comes with the features of unique design. samsung-concept-laptop-amoled It is thin and sleek and has got a touch-sensitive keyboard which lacks tactile feedback.

The Graphite Executive Laptop Concept

Two thin layers of metal are located at the heart of the machine. All of the electromechanical elements have been incorporated in these layers that are needed to drive the computational and software functionality. graphite_concept_laptop To the outer side this substructure element is also secured by the metal clamshell rings. With these we can take help to capture the smoked plastic enclosures that seal the unit completely. Since all the information are send and received wirelessly, allowing moisture or debris inside can be seamless with no cracks, crevices, or plugs.

Concept Foldable Laptop / PDA

It has been a long time since we featured a concept piece on TFTS, initially it is because we are particularly inspired with little of what we have come across of late concept_foldable_laptop_design but certainly that’s not the case when we are talking about this concept PDA unit which certainly hits the mark from an aesthetic standpoint alone.

LG notebook fuel cell system

It has been particularly designed for notebooks, by connecting to their USB ports the fuel cell will also help us to power handheld devices such as portable media players and mobile phones, as said by LG Chem.concept_notebook_fuel_cell
As shown by the the company’s photos, LG Chem’s prototype isn’t exactly compact. It is said by the company that the weight of fuel-cell is less than 1kg.concept_notebook_fuel_cell


In the high-end it is the complement to MyBook. mac_concept_laptop This incredibly thin wireless keyboard is used as a protection cover for transportation. It remains in place using a combination of magnets and notches.

Vaio Zoom

Vaio Zoom notebook comes with the exclusive feature of a holographic glass screen that turns transparent and a keyboard that goes opaque when it is turned off. vaio-zoom-concept Whenever you turn it on then the touch screen holographic festivities will be initiated.

Macbook 8081

Macbook 8081 concept laptop presented by Isamu Sanada is identical to a black version of the now Macbook Air.macbook8081 It also comes with the features of an ultra-thin keyboard and a very sleek design.


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