People surprised that Antartica is nearly twice the size of U.S. Antartica was coined to mean opposite to the Artic. The climate of the two areas is very different. Antartica is the coldest area in the world and 30 degrees colder than the Artic. Mean temperature run below zero in nearly 10,000 feet high. Antartica rise about freezing in the summer, but North Pole rise above freezing. Winter temperature sometimes fall below -100 degrees Fahrenheit at the American South Poles Station. A temperature of -127 degrees Fahrenheit was measured in August 1960 on south polar plateau. It is the world’s record low temperature. Animals and plants of two regions are very different. Moses, lichens, and algae are found in Antartica. Penguins are not found in Artic. Foxes, bears, reindeer, and lemmings lives in Artic. Ice is great feature of Antartica. More than 4.5 million square miles of ice sheet cover the area. Antartica store 85 percent of the total world supply of ice. The icecap is very thick, averaging nearly 8,000 feet. The distance from the surface to the rock to be more than 13,000 feet. The volume of the ocean and sea level would increase if ice of Antartica were to melt. Extreme atmospheric changes would have to take places for this to happen.
Hydraulic Static Pile Driver (HSPD) adalah suatu sistem pemancangan pondasi tiang yang dilakukan dengan Cara menekan tiang pancang masuk ke dalam tanah denganmenggunakan dongkrak hidraulis yang diberi beban berupa counterweight. Pada proses pemancangan tiang dengan menggunakan Hydraulic Static Pile Driver (HSPD), pelaksanaannya tidak menimbulkan getaran serta Gaya tekan dongkrak hidraulis langsung dapat dibaca melalui sebuah manometer sehingga besarnya Gaya tekan tiang setiap mencapai kedalaman tertentu dapat diketahui. Kapasitas alat pemancangan HSPD ini ada bermacam tipe yaitu 120 Ton, 320 Ton, 450 Ton, pemilihan alat disesuaikan dengan desain load / beban rencana tiang pancang. Untuk menghindari terjadinya penyimpangan prosedur kerja yang tak terkendali, maka prosedur kerja harus diikuti secara cermat. Oleh karena itu, segala perubahan atau penyesuaian yang dilakukan sebagai antisipasi atas kondisi lapangan hanya boleh dilaksanakan atas petunjuk dari site manager dan dengan persetuj...
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